Sunday, March 11, 2007

Stepped on the stepping stone!

                     This is the first milestone in my career as i jus got placed in 'Any IT guy's dream company' -Infosys, a week back . I'll jus wade through the experiences i faced , before that i would like to tell that getting there into any S/W company is not only with the help of high scores or technical stuff but also a lot on the way we present ourselves n communication(I can sense the redundancy in the past few lines.excuse me). There were only two rounds in the whole placement, one being a written test on aptitude and verbal skills and the second being the HR interview.
                        Well to explain on the first set of written tests is not that easy 'cos there were 50+ questions which can't be put up here and anyway a site called helped me prepare thru the whole thing(that is meant for the last minute preparations) verbal questions weren that tough and aptitude seeemed to be easy for me but i heard ppl tellin that it was greek and latin for them.secondly,I had the HR/personal interview which was also not a tough one , i was lucky enough to have a kind lady as my interviewer who was asking questions so selectively that none of them were unanswerable, she asked more on my extra curriculars and i had put photography and karate on that coulmn which came to me as a bumper prize. i was so confident and it hepled me give a positive reply for the questions.
                          Now, im happy that i belong to the big family n proud to be called an infoscion!

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